Thursday, August 19, 2010

Death's Excellent Vacation - Comp

Ok this is a compilation by several authors - 3 of which was behind my purchasing this book.

Charlaine Harris - has a short story that involves Sookie and Pam going to Mississippi on an errand for Eric that could have a connection concerning Victor in the next books. Not the best short story but overall not too bad. Learned that New York has more than one fun trivia.

Jeaniene Frost - the #1 reason for this book purchase was the short on Cat/Bones. In this they are watching a human who is being hunted by a paranormal being and Bones/Justina develop a closer relationship as this takes place post book 4. AWESOME read!

Katie MacAlister - a short story on Effrijim AKA Jim. The poor demon was set to go on vaca to see his g/f and just had one misadventure after another. There are no words but it was truly hilarious all the same...example please imaging a naked man shaking his ass and singing my humos by the black eyed peas for 30 hours straight...had me rolling!!!

I've yet to move onto the remaining shorts in this book and who knows when I will but I can say for the Frost and Katie Mac shorts it was well worth the purchase price!!!

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